(defun bubble () (format t "Enter the limit of no's :") (setf n (read)) (setf a (make-array n)) (setf len n) (setf i 1) (format t "Enter the no's") (dotimes (i n) (setf (aref a i) (read))) (format t " Entered Array is") (format t "~s" a) (dotimes (i n) (setf j i) (loop (if (> (aref a i)(aref a j)) (setf temp (aref a i) (aref a i)(aref a j) (aref a j) temp)) (setf j (+ j 1)) (if (= j n) (return)) ) ) (format t" The sorted array is") (format t "~s" a) )
- M-x : byte-compile-file (Enterを押す)
- Byte compile file: (ファイルまでのパス)\bubble.l
- M-x load-file bubble.l ←追加
- *scratch*で
(bubble) → Ctrl+j
Enter the limit of no's :10 Enter the no's32 32 34 1 2 5 54 76 34 87 Entered Array is#(32 32 34 1 2 5 54 76 34 87) The sorted array is#(1 2 5 32 32 34 34 54 76 87) nil